Our program is centered on the belief that the first few years of a child’s life are critical for their developmental foundation and socialization. We believe that by providing a home-like environment that is safe, comfortable, and loving, a child’s creativity will be nurtured. The philosophy of this Center is a holistic approach, which incorporates different Developmental and educational theories, such as: behaviorism (Skinner and Thorndike), Developmental Stage Theory (Piaget) and more recently Social Development Theory of Learning (Vygotsky). Nobis Takes both sides of the nature-versus-nurture debate to implement the most well-rounded learning experience possible for your children. As the field of childhood psychology and learning development changes with time, Nobis strives to stay on top of these advances to supplement our established program. We believe that being fluid and adaptive to established and new techniques will ensure that each child receives an experience as unique as themselves.

Through open-ended and child oriented activities, a child can be exposed to basic skills (learning numbers, letters, shapes, and more) That will allow them to have a positive attitude towards future educational experiences. In this manner, we can structure a child’s learning day while also giving each child the cushion of creativity that is imperative to learning. We believe that children have many years ahead of them to strengthen their academic skills, and that children will learn at their own pace. However, Nobis believes in supporting each child’s development both socially and academically, to build the necessary foundation in their growth. These areas are the main focus of our facility; we would like to nurture the fun and creative spirit of each and every child by providing a loving and stimulating environment
Full-time and part-time programs available for children beginning at eight weeks old. All programs include breakfast, lunch and snacks.
Center hours:7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday